
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

When Lucy and I woke up, we came down the stairs and saw cards & candies waiting on the table for us.  The first thing out of her mouth was, "Bamtimes Day!!!"  And then proceeded to repeat that about 33,000 times the rest of the day.  It was adorable!  I think she was most thrilled with her card from Daddy.  She carried it around all day, and when we were talking to my mom, she kept holding it up to the phone saying, "see Gamma? see? Bamtimes Day from Daddy!"

We had fun celebrating together.  The absolute best part of the whole day was that Glenn decided to work from home as the roads weren't that great.  We had french toast for breakfast, made cupcakes (this recipe, great if you like lemon flavor), experimented with a new recipe for supper, and lots and lots of cuddles.