
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Real Life People

I've sat down in front of the laptop at least 6 times trying to think of something exciting to blog about.  But the truth is I got nada - zilch - nothing.

I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear about how Lucy has been sick for the last hmmm..... well do want to know how long it was? or how long it felt like? I promise each answer is a loooooong time.

Or that I haven't taken any pictures in like a month.  For what reason I don't know.  Most likely laziness.

Or that Lucy's potty-training was going so well, until a few days ago.  Now she will hide behind the couch and pee on the floor.  And don't get me started on the two-sies.

Or that I realized I haven't left the house (except for a quick grocery run) in over a week.  This occured to me when doing laundry yesterday and realizing the only dirty clothes I had were work-out clothes and pj's.  (thanks to the aforementioned sick daughter)

Or that I have been spending too much time looking at other peoples blogs (no one I know personally in real life - I promise!!) and felt like my life is "something else" compared to their beautiful house, food, decor, children, clothing, fitness, photography etc etc etc....  Note to self: that's not real life.  Real life is realizing you have pancake batter spilled down the front of your workout clothes from breakfast and not clueing in until your change into your pj's at bedtime.  Anyone else?  No? Just me?