We aren't really sure how she did it. (crazy kid that she is) We just were starting to realize that she was getting more clingy & upset as the morning went on. Then she wouldn"t leave my lap and was saying "owwie arm". I checked it over but didn't really see anything - however I was watching her. It all of a sudden occured to me that she wasn't using her right hand. Hmmm...maybe this was serious. We tried everything - chocolate, candy, toys, lunch, her blankie....but she would always use her left hand. Then when she finally go up off the couch she was cradling her arm. At one point she bumped it and that's when the tears really started....it was at that moment that Glenn (thank heavens it was Saturday!) made the executive decision to go to the Childrens Hospital.
We were in and out in 2 hours. What an amazing facility! Efficient, awesome staff & so kid friendly. They put her arm in a spint right away. Then when we saw the Dr. it was determined (please note my lack of medical knowledge - this is how I understood it) to be a partial dislocation of her elbow. The Dr. "popped" it back in. Then he gave her a green popsicle (which won over her little heart) and about a minute later she started using her right hand again! It was amazing! The Dr. showed us what to do if it happened again. She will have some pain for a few more days, but we are so relieved it wasn't broken.
Don't mind the iPhone quality pictures or the bedraggled & relieved looking Mommy.