I feel like I'm constantly wanting to remember what she says and how she talks. It's so cute & hilarious! I'm quite in love with this stage....
-She thinks everything is "perket!!" (perfect)
-Can count to 12. (and is constantly counting everything)
-LOVES dolko-dots (polka-dots)
-When I tell her it's nite-nite time she will say, "no, Good-Morning Mom! Good-Morning!"
-When Glenn leaves for work she says, "Bye Dad! Drive your car!" (which I think means "drive safely" what I usually say)
-The other morning when she was playing with a bunch of kids at Leanna's, I went to check on her and she swept her arms out and said so proudly...."Mom!! Look at all my friends!!"
-loves singing. She will make Daddy sing "pocket" (which is Sing a Song of Six-Pence) about 20 times before bedtime. She is really singing in meeting now too, she mostly sings the word "sing" which is so funny!
-sometimes when I ask her to do something she will say, "mom, I'm busy" (hmmm, wonder where she picked that up from!)