We nap. Every day in the Pipke home between the hours of 1- 3pm all is quiet and still. Weekday, weekend - doesn't matter. We nap. I went through a phase of feeling guilty about it. I felt I should be up and doing. And some days I do. But, most days at around 1pm....I lay down and give a big relaxed happy sigh. Close my eyes and drift off for an hour of restoration and rejuvenation.
I have a recipe for a really good nap:
1st: cherry-pit bag (which Lucy calls my berry bag) heated up for exactly 2.5 minutes in the microwave
2nd: my fan. All Hail White Noise! Can I get an amen?
3rd: iPod. Enough said.
4th: baby monitor. Where I softly hear the sound of Lucy's fan while she sleeps & then her darling little voice saying, "hi sweetie!" when she wakes up.